2024 United States Presidential Prediction
September 29 2024
Michael R. Svehla, MA

Something as simple as a Presidential election is a formidable problem for anyone in the business of prediction. In 2020, the progressed Sun in the critical degree of Virgo, along with the Covid pandemic, was enough to defeat President Trump. It was that simple – and I made an incorrect prediction! However, in 2016, despite a barrage of negative press against President Trump and much doubt about the possiblity of him winning, I made a correct prediction. I want people who love astrology to realize that I am again attempting to make an objective prediction for 2024. I want to pick the winner, not necessarily who I want to win. It is worth the effort to make a prediction again. Whether you are on one side, the other, or indifferent, I hope that you love astrology as much as I do.

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. – George Washington

Kamala Harris (birth data used: October 20 1964/09:28 PM/Oakland, California, USA)

Vice President Kamala Harris suddenly replaced an ailing Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee for 2024. I had initially thought she (or any other alternate nominee) would not have enough time to arrange a successful campaign. Harris has had overwhelmingly favorable treatment by the mainstream media and mixed results based on various public appearances. While many people claimed she won the only debate against Trump, she appeared nervous and scripted. Subsequent appearances have been somewhat few and far between, and have not necessarily moved the needle in her favor.

At first glance, Harris' charts on November 5 2024 (Election Day) appear to be favorable. The benefics, transiting Venus and Jupiter, are pushing on her ascendant/descendant angles. Progressed Sun and progressed Vertex are conjunct the Galactic Center, and I've seen spectators swooning about her progressed Moon in Cancer conjunct the United States natal Sun. However, Harris has three major factors in her charts that will be very difficult to overcome, which unfold into a major problem that overarches her charts on November 5.

1) The progressed Moon at 14 Cancer is conjunct transiting Hades. Moon in her dominion conjunct Hades is a highly negative and difficult conjunction. Note that October 2024 portends to be difficult for Harris due to the progressed Moon in the critical degree of Cancer (13 Cancer).

2) Another serious problem for Harris on Election Day involves transiting Sun at 13 Scorpio opposite natal Hades. Hades (muck, waste, garbage) is a malefic point/object. Among other things, Hades is an obstacle that is serving to prevent Harris from gaining the Presidency due to her past actions. How has the Harris campaign addressed Harris' past views and past voting record, while pushing the impression that she is now a centrist? Basically, by ignoring her past. While Harris will tally an enormous number of votes, and probably win the popular vote, the election is a game of winning the majority of electoral votes. Hades is not fine and dandy in any scenario, but he is at his worst when a person has misbehaved. Thus we will see if the November election is a reckoning for Harris.

3) Of great interest, Pluto in the anaretic degree of Capricorn symbolizes a kind of one last gasp for the establishment. I struggle greatly with interpreting this Pluto position in this election. Does the anaretic degree mean the end of the Biden/Harris administration in 2024? Or does it mean that the establishment (Capricorn) will retain power (Pluto)? Perhaps the key to unlocking this conumdrum is transiting Pluto forming a square to Admetos (Transneptunian) in Harris' charts. This is another serious hurdle for Harris. The square might be interpreted as the end of power, obviously not a favorable square for a Vice President hoping to move from the West Wing into the Oval Office.

Lastly, after a great deal of thought about Harris' charts on November 5, I realized that her triwheel contains an almost complete Star of David pattern. In order: natal Hades (13 Taurus), progressed Moon (14 Cancer) and transiting Hades (14 Cancer), natal Uranus (13 Virgo), transiting Sun (13 Scorpio), and natal Chiron (14 Pisces) and transiting Saturn (12 Pisces). (The missing link is around 13 Capricorn and I would not count something such as lot of fortune.) This creates a heyday of Hades midpoints. For example, the midpoint of natal Hades and transiting Sun falls near Harris' progressed ascendant at 12 Leo. Transiting Sun and natal Chiron/transiting Saturn have a midpoint falling on progressed Moon/transiting Hades.

The Hades and Admetos influences are a combination of being impeded and subverted, on what will be the most important day of Harris' life. Transiting Admetos at 4 Gemini is unfavorable for Harris rising to a superlative earthy position (basically the ultimate position, of United States President). Transiting Mercury is opposite transiting Admetos, and transiting Admetos is also conjunct natal Kronos (Transneptunian/in this case, the Presidency).

Could Kamala Harris be the next President? It depends on whether or not voters in swing states favor her more than Donald Trump, and give her enough electoral votes to win. Hades and Admetos are saying that the difficulties of overcoming past actions and resulting perceptions is the heaviest challenge Harris faces.

Donald Trump (birth data used: June 14 1946, 10:54 AM, Jamaica, New York, USA)

One of the most polemical figures in modern history, Donald Trump has been quite visible and accessible in the 2024 Presidential race. His debate performance against Harris – very likely their only debate – seemed lackluster. Trump's life has been in danger on two separate occasions in 2024, and he was almost assassinated. Negative press about Trump from the mainstream media has been relentless. Yet he is as defiant and brash as ever, despite the fact that his eightieth birthday is not far away. Of interest, Trump would be only the second President to serve split terms if he won (President Cleveland was the only split-term President thus far).

Progressed Moon in the critical degree of Scorpio (9 Scorpio) is a headwind for Trump. However, the difficulty seems to have an opportunity. The rectified United States birth chart I use (Imsiragic rectification) shows ascendant at 8 Scorpio, conjunct President Trump's progressed Moon. Perhaps this alone shows the heavens portending a second term for Trump. Destiny repeats itself in this way, with the transiting benefics aligning with Trump's North Node/South Node axis. Note also how progressed Moon conjuncts transiting Sun at 13 Scorpio, on the secretive Election Day. It reflects a second Sun-Moon connection at the start of November 5, transiting Moon opposite natal Sun in Gemini. Trump's greatest advantage on Election Day is the transiting Venus-Jupiter opposition aligning with natal Sun and Moon.

Progressed Sun is no longer in a critical degree, and in Trump's natal first house. But will that be enough? A major reason for a Trump win in 2016 was progressed Sun conjunct fixed star Regulus. Note progressed Venus and Jupiter in late Libra, forming the wing of a half-kite pattern with transiting Venus and Jupiter. Commentators have remarked that this election is Trump's to lose. And he can still lose it...but the benefics are a strong wind at his back.

Transiting Uranus in the natal tenth house is a wild card, but Uranus at the very top of Trump's natal chart might also be interpreted as an upset (against the Vice President currently in office). The charts, with the exception of progressed Moon in the critical degree of Scorpio, might be interpreted as fairly positive with a relative lack of negatives. When I try to find negatives, they could actually be construed as positives. For example, transiting Saturn is retrograde and opposite progressed Sun. Saturn might be considered as a negative influence on November 5, but just as easily be interpreted as a return (retrograde) at this time for Trump (progressed Sun) to the position of authority (Saturn). Saturn also squares natal Uranus (upsetting the status quo again and becoming President?). The transiting Jupiter-Saturn square aligns with Trump's planets/points in Gemini and Sagittarius, indicating that past work and effort are a major factor in determining whether or not he will win in 2024.

United States birth chart progressions

Briefly, the United States progressions are very much worth mentioning. Whoever wins will have a difficult four years, reflecting the turbulence in the current social and economic condition of the United States. Progressed U.S. Saturn and Hades are conjunct. Transiting Hades will drift away from a conjunction with U.S. natal Sun, but will conjunct U.S. Poseidon (Transneptunian) for the first time ever in July 2025. U.S. progressed Sun and Moon are currently conjunct in late Pisces. Talk about this 2024 election as pivotal is understated! The U.S. will be leading the world in turning another page in history as artificial intelligence and other technological advances lead us to new and unimagined frontiers. Be warned: the opportunities are only earned through enduring great difficulties, as the U.S. triwheel demonstrates. Each candidate's philosophy of government takes the world down a much different path, albeit probably to the exact same end.

While Kamala Harris' charts contain bright spots, I cannot see her overcoming such an overwhelming Hades influence. For Donald Trump, even the toughest placement in his third Presidential election, progressed Moon in a fixed degree of Scorpio, has its benefits based on the U.S. natal ascendant degree. Otherwise, a relative lack of negatives and an almost textbook, straightforward boost from the benefics give him the advantage.

One final note about Hades. While I am unable to find a significant amount of information about hacking and election fraud, I don't believe this will be a factor in the 2024 election.

My 2024 Presidential Election prediction: President Trump will win and serve a second term.

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